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  王玉琦,1958年生,河北人,1983年毕业于天津美术学院后留校任教,1985-1987年在中央美院油画系进修,现为美国职业画家,中国美协会员,北美中国艺术家协会会员,加拿大肖像画家协会艺术指导,全美肖像画家协会会员,美国肖像画家协会会员。作品多次入选美国国际艺术博览会、中国油画精品展、国际艺术节等国内国际美展,部分作品被中国美术馆、中***事博物馆等机构收藏。出版有《中国油画肖像百年》、《中国油画五十年》、《王玉琦作品选》、《中国油画》、《中国百人中青年艺术家作品》、《中国古典主义油画》、《王玉琦油画技法》等。   美国肖像协会、加拿大肖像协会、中国美术家协会、中国油画家协会成员。 Born in Hebei Province. Education, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts; Central Academy of Fine Arts. Yuqi Wang was trained in China and the US and is now based in New York. Among others, he is a member of The American Society of Portrait Artists, The Portrait Society of America and The Oil Painter Association of China and has exhibited extensively across China and America. His work hangs in public collections in China and the collection of the Japanese Royal Family. The influence of Rossetti and Burne-Jones is unmistakable, and in the tradition of the Pre-Raphaelites Yuqi manages to create work which is as sensitive as it is powerful.Awards: Grand Prize of Portrait Society of America Inc, Washington DC; Best Portfolioof American Society of Portrait Artists, MOMA, NY; Award of the Third Exhibition for Illustration of China; Silver Award of International Youth Year, Beijing;Metal Award of Sixth National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China.Selected Commissions: The artist has work in the following collections: ?China National Gallery, China International Exhibition Agency, Private collection of the Royal Family of Japan, Mrs Fiona Willmot-Sitwell.Group Exhibitions: in 2001,The Royal Society of Portraiture, The Mall Galleries, London. In 1999, Tao Gallery, Cape-cod, MA; Ziegenfuss Gallery of Fine Arts, Florid. In1998, Ziegenfuss Gallery of Fine Arts, Florida; Ringling School of Fine Art, Florida. In 1997, International Artexpo, Florida. In 1995 New Continental Gallery, China. In 1994 Shenzhen Museum, China; Selected Oil Painting Exhibition of China, Hong Kong.
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